On Path somatics
coming home to the body

About Lizzie

Love and Liberation

Hi!  The purpose of this page is to share with you a bit more about me, where I've come from and why I do this work.

I'm Lizzie. I'm a community herbalist, somatic coach and bodyworker.  Each of these identities has contributed to both my own sense of self, belonging and place and has deepened my offering of work in the world.  I was lead to these practices by a deep politicization and commitment to life, equity, land and people.

I came to develop my skills as a person who can hold healing for others by deeply engaging in my own personal work because I have felt it and seen it as so necessary- both in my own life and in the world.  I believe we need to include our bodies in the process of healing and social transformation.  In order to heal the legacy of Racism we need to face and heal it's embodied impact.

Healing internalized privilege.

I do this work to support my white bodied brethren to heal the age old traumas in our bones so that we can stop taking our pain out on black brown and indigenous people.  I do this work because it scares me that the people of my bloodline often aren't able to name the values they stand for other than safety.  I agree with Seth Tobocman "you don't have to fuck people over to survive"  and recognize sometimes our bodies don't carry this truth, this possibilty.  It is time my fellow people of privilege learn.  We have to face and metabolize our pain to learn. together

Healing internalized oppression.

I do this work to serve the decolonization of bodies and communities.  I do this work to support change makers, social justice organizers, culture shifters and healers to embody our full selves with dignity, connection and an internal sense of safety to take actions for a new world.  i do this work to support my queer family to feel fully alive and proud of who we are.  I do this work to widen what we collectively hold as normal and value our most sensitive bodied people as a gift, as indicator species whose brilliant existences are critical to uphold, hear and be impacted by.

I do this work as an offering to the inherent worth of all live, or all beings.  I do it for the fishies in the streams and the pollen in the air.  I do it for you.  I do it for me.  because I believe there is enough for us all.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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